Featured Senior: Bryce Delaney Walls

Senior Bryce Delaney Walls will be graduating this spring. Congrats Bryce!

Interviewed by Belle Becker

Please tell us a little bit about yourself and what sorts of things you’ve been involved in at IUSB.

Hi! My name is Bryce Delaney and I’ve been at IUSB for a while! I was involved in numerous things over the years, but the things that stand out to me are the PUBHUB, Wolfson Press, and working at the Schurz Library.

What are your plans after graduation?

I’ve done a lot of work in publishing at IUSB and plan to continue trying to be in that space. I’ve also found some success getting my creative work published thanks to my time at the school. There are alum that have gone on from IUSB to write amazing books and I think it would be cool to be part of that tradition.

What advice do you have for current students?

Get involved! Whether it’s a club or a campus program or even volunteering somewhere, being involved in SOMETHING is one of the best uses of your time at college. I personally would have never been on my current career trajectory without being involved with the PUBHUB. It’s also a great way to get experience in a safe place while getting advice from professionals currently in the field.

What’s a fond memory you have of your time at IUSB?

There’s so many to pick from! The senior seminar class I took with Dr. Mattox was one of my favorite learning experiences. Getting to pick a subject to dive into and then writing a paper on it was difficult but rewarding. Presenting it at the Undergraduate Research Conference was nerve wracking; however, the experience gave me a taste of how academia is and taught me to be more confident in my work. I also have to say that in Dr. Ervick’s classes, getting to meet authors we’ve read is a really cool experience. Even though it was a few years ago, I still think about meeting Michael Arnzen and the things we learned in that class.

Do you have any professors that have stuck with you? Any favorite classes?

So many! I’ve really struggled with my education journey. I’ve been a good student and a bad student. Regardless I’m still at the end of my undergrad and I really have the faculty of the English program to thank for it. They have been unendingly supportive, forgiving, and have taught me more about myself and where I want to be than I think they know. I especially want to thank a few professors like Dr. Lee Kahan who taught me the value of my own work and that I should be proud of it even if it isn’t perfect. David Dodd Lee has been invaluable to my growth as an artist and has given me an avenue to create and explore on my own that I am going to carry with me for the rest of my life. Most of all though, Dr. Kelcey Ervick is really going to stick out in my mind, she has been my champion throughout most of my college career. Infinitely kind and understanding, I truthfully wouldn’t be graduating right now if it wasn’t for the guidance she’s given me. All that’s left to say is that I hope more students come to the English program and experience the awesome education it has to offer.