Recommendation Station: The Book of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler

“In portraying the complexities of the psyche, Gendler uses the Qualities to bridge the distinctions between literature and psychology, and has created an original work that challenges us to look at our emotions in new and inspiring ways.” –from the book description

By Katie Clark

Many writers will say that they credit their inspiration to important people of the day, a favorite childhood bedtime story, or perhaps reading a current best seller. I received my earliest inspiration to become a writer from The Book of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler. This book has been in my possession since I was eight years old and stumbled upon it in a random auction box-lot. My family attended auctions frequently and to pacify her young children, my mother would allow us to purchase the small lots. Digging through each one was like Christmas; you never knew what you were going to find. When I first opened The Book of Qualities, it opened to The Wind:

“The Wind is a gossip. Not in a malicious way. She just likes to move around and stir things up. She runs through the fire barefoot and has no fear of heights. She carries big blue bowls of rain with her. She plays the flute and loves all kinds of sounds. Her laughter fills the sky. The Wind is a wonderful storyteller. I still remember how she introduced me to the Qualities when I was a child.”

This introduction filled me with such wonderment. The fact that someone could find the essence of something as complex as the wind and apply human qualities to enable understanding was a transformative moment. I find myself returning to this book in times of writer’s block. It’s sheer creativity and imaginative concepts continue to leave me mesmerized and refreshed to begin my task anew. Gendler takes seventy-seven qualities and breathes life into each one, giving them human emotions and small quirks that fit their personality. Occasionally Gendler will introduce another quality and creatively allows them to interact with each other. I highly recommend this literary work of art to anyone who is in need of creative inspiration!

According to HarperCollins, J. Ruth Gendler was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska and received her bachelor of arts degree in English and Communication from Stanford University in 1977.

Inkanddescent Women Magazine highlights her art, creative writing, and impact she has had in over twenty-five years of teaching. She has written and published multiple books including The Book of Qualities, Changing Light, and Notes on the Need for Beauty.

You can visit her website here: